We are a Member Group of Cycling UK and most of our activities are run for Cycling UK members.  We welcome guests who can ride with us a few times before deciding if we’re the club for them.  If you do decide to join, we may be able to advise on any introductory offers.

Cycling UK membership has many benefits, including six issues a year of Cycle magazine, third party insurance and legal helpline, as well as various discounts and being able to ride with any of the nationwide Member Groups.

Full membership costs £48 a year or £4 a month, there are also some concessionary rates.


CTC Derby and Burton Club Clothing

You may have seen club members in the bright yellow and blue club clothing, this is ordered periodically. The most recent order was placed January 2020, watch this space for further orders, or express your interest by emailing [email protected]

Our Best All Rounder competition (BAR) has been running for many years with a trophy and small prize presented annually.
We are at heart a non-competitive cycling club and the events that make up this competition are more about fun and participation than winners.
The events and other activities that make up the BAR are decided each year at the AGM, some are regular features others less so or unique. The BAR Competition is decided on a points scoring basis.

2021 Competition:

With the pandemic situation still unclear at the time when we’d normally be planning the events, the committee took the decision to suspend the BAR competition for 2021.  Looking forward to coming back in 2022 bigger and better than ever!
However – We are hoping to run some of the regular events on a non competition basis, these will appear in the usual ride calendars.


Awheel magazine contribution
10 points each for all contributors (not per contribution)
The organiser gets 12 points

Photo competition

10 Points for entering, 15 points 1st, 14 points 2nd, 13 points 3rd
The organiser gets 12 points but may still enter photos and if placed will get the points above +2 for organising)

Rough Stuff Rides

These rides will incorporate both on and off road riding that, importantly, will not explicitly require a mountain bike.

10 Points for participating
The organiser gets 12 points

Night Ride
10 points for participating
The organiser gets 12 points

Standard Rides
The Standard Rides are a timed event for individual participation with no leader (though participants are welcome to ride together in groups). There will be two routes; one of 100 miles, one of 50 and time options as below. Note the time for 100 mile routes includes a compulsory 30 minute lunch break

25 points for completing the 100 miles in 8 hours
20 points for completing the 100 miles in 9 hours
15 points for completing the 50 miles in 4 hours
12 points for completing the 50 miles in 4.5 hours
The organiser gets 25 points

Challenge Ride
20 points for participating for either the 1 or 2 day option.
The organiser gets 22 points

Long distance touring rides with a challenge. Complete the ride within the time limits – 100km in 8 hours or 200km in 13.5 hours

12 points for completing the 100kmride in the time allocated
20 points for completing the 200kmride in the time allocated
(maximum 1 event at each distance counts to the BAR)
The organiser gets 14 points or 22 points respectively. If organising 2 distance events on the same day maximum 22 points.
Helpers get 12 points

Hill Climb and Freewheel competition
Ride up the hill against the clock.  Followed by a freewheel down.

Hill Climb – 15 Points for entering, 20 points 1st, 19 points 2nd, 18 points 3rd
The organiser gets 17 points but may still enter the competition and if placed will get the points above +2 for organising instead of the 17 points
Freewheel – 15 Points for entering, 20 points 1st, 19 points 2nd, 18 points 3rd
The organiser gets 17 points but may still enter the competition and if placed will get the points above +2 for organising instead of the 17 points

The Classics
One ride from each of the groups designated as a classic.  If you can only make one ride with a different group to the one you usually ride with, this will be a good one to try.

(Only one ride count to the BAR)
10 points for participating
The organiser gets 12 points


Congratulations to Ian Hill for winning the 2019 BAR Competition, not the first time his name appears on the trophy and a well deserved win. The award was made at the Sunday Christmas lunch at The Bluebell, Kirk Langley.

In conjunction with Mercia CC we produce a quarterly magazine, full of news, ride reports, touring tales, maybe a joke or two, reviews and photos.  Subscriptions are £6 a year or £1.50 an issue including postage.  Please contact us if you’d like to subscribe or advertise or have something  included.

The committee members of CTC Derby and Burton would be pleased to hear from anyone who has any comments or suggestions regarding our club.  They meet quarterly, but most issues can be dealt with between meetings.  If you have a general query and are not sure who to address it to please use the email link below

The committee is made up of ten members, currently six officers and four from the membership, all are elected for a term of 12 months at the AGM. Committee elected at the May 2021 AGM.

  • Ian Hill – Secretary – [email protected]
  • Andy Leach – Chairman  – please use the email link below
  • Andy Leach – Right to Ride Representative – please use the email link  below
  • Margaret Phillips –Treasurer – please use the email link below
  • Colin Harrison– Welfare Officer – please use the email link  below
  • Paul Hilditch –Promotions – [email protected]
  • Susan Rogers – [email protected]
  • Sara Parr – please use the email link  below
  • Margaret Phillips –please use the email link below
  • Terry Williams – please use the email link below
  • Graham Bowers – please use the email link below

The minutes of the 2020 AGM will be available to all Cycling UK members, if you’d like a copy please use the email link below and include your membership number.

 Contact Us

email address

 Notice Board

If you’d like anything included here – classifieds, tips, information – please use the email link above.


Entries for the 2023 CTC Derby and Burton Photo Competition are now invited.  This is a BAR event, with points available for winners and entrants, but mostly it’s intended as a bit of fun. Open to all local Cycling UK members.

Rules are very simple:

Enter up to three photos, preferably with a title, by emailing them to the address below.

They can be any photo taken while out cycling and/or any cycling subject regardless of when taken.

They can have been taken at any time, not necessarily in the last year.

The have to have been taken by the entrant.

Entries close Sunday 4th December 2022

Entries will be displayed on the website and there will be a set of prints circulating at CTCDAB rides and events.

Winners decided by a simple vote by members, voting will be open till the end of Jan 2023.

All entries are very welcome, whether you’re a regular participant or have never done so before.  If you’d like a look at previous competitions, the last two are on the photo page and older ones on our Flickr account.  The more entries, the more interesting the competition, so I hope you will participate.

Entries and any questions – [email protected]

From Big on Bikes - added 12 Jan 2020

As you may be aware over the past year Big on Bikes have made substantial investments in the workshop with a total refurb, new mechanics, new tools, new training and a new ePOS system.
All this has been made possible by personal investment by the owner (Dave) and is designed to offer our customers faster turnaround times, highly qualified and motivated cycle technicians and a better customer environment which should mean happier riders and smoother cycling all round.
We have achieved all this in under a year, and have committed to not increasing Service pricing in 2020.
 We have always supported CTC and other cycling clubs/organisations by offering discounted (15% off)  labour costs and that will continue for 2020. 
Part of our plans has always been to offer customers a loyalty/rewards scheme which the ePOs system now allows us to do. We can now offer customers a rewards points on every transaction (parts & labour) if they sign up.
With this in mind we would like to communicate this to your members.
 If your club members register for the scheme by end of Jan 2020 they will get £2.50 worth of points just for registering. (We just need Name, Email address & Mobile Number. We will only use email address for information regarding their Rewards scheme)
Loyalty points for non-cycle club members will be set at 5%, Cycle Club members will earn 7.5%, however members must however show their current year membership card to get the higher rate. 
They only need to show it once per year to earn the higher rate. 
 Club Members can still choose to take the labour discount, but need to show their Club membership card. If members choose to take the labour discount, no points will be earnt for that transaction.
 If they choose to take the points, points are awarded for the total amount on the transaction (labour & parts). Points can also be earnt on any parts only purchases (which they do not receive a discount on at the moment).
 We believe we have created what could be one of the best loyalty schemes around, which hopefully will encourage customers/members to support their Local Bike Workshop and enable Big on Bikes to keep offering great service and competitive pricing.
Many thanks and here’s to a great year of cycling.

Added by Paul Hilditch 20/08/17

Strava Group

CTC Derby & Burton has a Strava group, open to all CTC DAB riders.  To join please email [email protected]